Friday, April 6, 2012

Crystal Report using dynamic Coding using Crystal Report Viewer...

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

// Add these NameSpace
using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
using CrystalDecisions.ReportSource;

public partial class Module_BanquetHall_BanquitHallInvoice : System.Web.UI.Page
     // Create the objects of your .xsd file which you already Created and Report document.
    ViewBanquitHall bhxsd = new ViewBanquitHall(); // objects of your .xsd file
    ReportDocument rd = new ReportDocument(); // objects of  Report document.

    public int hotelid;
    public int halllistid;

// assign  the report data to the Ctystal Report viewer which is saved  into session in Page_Init for display //    again while printing  report using print button provided by  report.
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["ReportData"] != null)
                CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = Session["ReportData"];
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["BanquetHall"].ToString()) == 1)

       halllistid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["HallListID"]);
        hotelid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["HotelID"].ToString());
        if (!IsPostBack)
        tblBanqInvoice1.Visible = true;
        lblpermission.Text = "You have not Permission To View this Page.";
        tblBanqInvoice1.Visible = false;

   // Report Fill function in which dynamic code is there.
 public void fillreprtdata()
        // Load the Crystal Report document which you created into report document object
           rd.Load(Server.MapPath(("~/") + "Invoice_Rpt" + "\\" + "BanquetHallInvoice.rpt"));

        List objlist = new List();
        DataTable dtban = objlist.queryList("SELECT tblBanquetHallList.HallListID, tblBanquetHallList.CustomerName, tblBanquetHallList.Address, tblBanquetHallList.PhoneNo,tblBanquetHallList.MobileNo, tblBanquetHallList.BanquetHallID, tblBanquetHallList.BanquetHallName, tblBanquetHallList.Discount,tblBanquetHallList.TotalAmount, tblBanquetHallList.CurrentDate, tblBanquetHallList.CustId, tblBanquetHallDetails.HallListID AS Expr1,tblBanquetHallList.HotelID, tblBanquetHallDetails.FacilityName, tblBanquetHallDetails.Rate, tblBanquetHallDetails.BookingDateFrom,tblBanquetHallDetails.GuestCount, tblBanquetHallDetails.BookingDateTo, tblBanquetHallDetails.BanquetHallID AS Expr2,tblBanquetHallDetails.BanquetHallName AS Expr3 FROM tblhoteldetails INNER JOIN tblBanquetHallList ON tblhoteldetails.HotelID = tblBanquetHallList.HotelID INNER JOIN tblBanquetHallDetails ON tblhoteldetails.HotelID = tblBanquetHallDetails.HotelID AND tblBanquetHallList.HallListID = tblBanquetHallDetails.HallListID WHERE (tblBanquetHallList.HotelID = "+hotelid+") AND (tblBanquetHallList.HallListID ="+halllistid+")");
        if (dtban.Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dtban.Rows.Count; i++)
                 List objhotel = new List();
                  DataTable dthotel = objhotel.queryList("select HotelName,Address,City,tblcountry.countryname,tblstate.statename from tblHotelDetails h left join tblcountry on tblcountry.countryid=h.countryid left join tblstate on tblstate.stateid=h.stateid where HotelID= '" + hotelid + "'");

                 //Create a New Datarow of  the Datatable which is placed in your.xsd file and add row into that  // Datatable.
                 DataRow dr = bhxsd.DTBanquitHall.NewRow();
                dr["HotelName"] =dthotel.Rows[0]["HotelName"].ToString();
                dr["HAddress"] = dthotel.Rows[0]["Address"].ToString();
                dr["HCity"] = dthotel.Rows[0]["City"].ToString();
                dr["HState"] = dthotel.Rows[0]["statename"].ToString();
                dr["HCountry"] = dthotel.Rows[0]["countryname"].ToString();
                dr["BanquitID"] = dtban.Rows[i]["HallListID"];
                dr["BanquitName"] = dtban.Rows[i]["BanquetHallName"];
                dr["CurrentDate"] = dtban.Rows[i]["CurrentDate"];
                dr["HallName"] = dtban.Rows[i]["BanquetHallName"];
                dr["Occassion"] = dtban.Rows[i]["FacilityName"];
                dr["From"] = dtban.Rows[i]["BookingDateFrom"];
                dr["To"] = dtban.Rows[i]["BookingDateTo"];
                dr["Guest"] = dtban.Rows[i]["GuestCount"];
                dr["Rate"] = dtban.Rows[i]["Rate"];
                dr["Discount"] = dtban.Rows[i]["Discount"];
                dr["TotalAmount"] = dtban.Rows[i]["TotalAmount"];
                dr["CustName"] = dtban.Rows[i]["CustomerName"];
                dr["CustAddress"] = dtban.Rows[i]["Address"];
                dr["CustPhoneNo"] = dtban.Rows[i]["PhoneNo"];
                dr["CustMobileNo"] = dtban.Rows[i]["MobileNo"];
            rd.SetDataSource(bhxsd); //after filling Datatable of .xsd, give it as a source of the report document.
            Session["ReportData"] = rd; // set the session for saving report Data.
            CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rd; // set rd as a source of Crystal report Viewer.


           // lblerrormsg.Text = "Record Not Found.";


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